This will mark the third attempt at a television series based on the world of Cruel Intentions (1999)
After being bullied at their elite college, half-siblings Caroline and Lucien try to maintain their power and reputation by seducing the daughter of the Vice President of the United States. The direct-to-video sequel Cruel Intentions 2 (2000), starring Amy Adams as Kathryn Merteuil, was originally a scripted TV series before being remade into a feature film.
It follows Cruel Intentions (1999)
Gellar would later reprise her role as Kathryn in 2016 for the NBC pilot Cruel Intentions (2016), which was not ordered to series. As someone who loved the original film, I found this very difficult to watch at first because I kept comparing the characters to the characters in the film.
The characters have different names, etc
After a few episodes I wanted to stop comparing because in my opinion this is not a remake it is a new series entirely with "similarities". The character I struggled with the most at first was Lucian.
But by the last episode, he became my favorite
Even after I accepted that it wasn’t a remake, I couldn’t really warm up to his character. My advice is don’t compare – if you do, you’ll be really disappointed.
If you can go into it with your eyes open that it’s a new show with a few similarities, then you’ll enjoy it